Xavier Nelson, a graduating 8th grader at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, has been named the winner of the Debbie Robson Merit Scholarship at The Steward School. Xavier was chosen from 27 applicants and will receive full tuition for all four years of high school at Steward.
Xavier is Lourdes’ fourth Robson Scholarship winner in just five years. Other recipients were Jack Morgan (Lourdes Class of 2017), Lucia Fogler (2018), and Bella Topich (2019). Six Lourdes graduates in total currently attend The Steward School.

While at Lourdes, Xavier has participated in extracurricular activities such as basketball and robotics, served as a House Ministerium student leader, and enjoys math, technology class, and mentoring a prayer buddy each year. Below is a short reflection from Xavier.
Q: What strengths of yours do you feel led to receiving the Debbie Robson Scholarship?
A: I think some of my main strengths that have led me to receive this Debbie Robson are leadership and being well-rounded. Leadership because I am the current house captain of house Ministerium and was previously Lieutenant of Ministerium as well. I am the captain of other sports teams that I play outside of school as well. And I’m always looking for an opportunity to help others out in any way I can. I would also say that I am well rounded because I take many different classes, am a part of many different clubs and sports teams, and love to serve my community.
Q: What skills or classes at Lourdes have best prepared you for high school?
A: All of my classes have prepared me very well for the programs and curriculum that Steward offers and teaches. They all have given me different important information that I will be able to use at The Steward School as well as in many different other places in life. But the main reason that I would say that Our Lady of Lourdes School has taught me in and out of the classroom, is to put God before anything else. God has helped me through so many challenging and hard times during my career at Lourdes but it was because of Him that I got through it all. We’ve prayed the rosary, gone to mass, and have had very meaningful religion classes. All of these reasons are why I know I will be a very successful student at Steward.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in high school?
A: One the things I really look forward to at Steward is being able to be a part of their many different extracurricular activities that they offer— Specifically the art club, basketball team, robotics team, track team, and many other activities that I may find interest in throughout my four years at Steward. They offer a wide variety of programs to help their students be introduced to many different experiences and opportunities.
Q: What will you miss most about Lourdes?
A: When I leave Lourdes, one of the biggest aspects that I will miss is the environment. I will miss the caring teachers and staff, the supportive students, and the foundational CHRIST-like teachings. Since I have been at Lourdes since the 4th grade, I will really miss all of the bonds and friendships that I have gained as well as the love that my current and past teachers have shown towards all their students. But I know that I will strive and blossom at The Steward School in all of the best ways. So because of this, I will have Our Lady of Lourdes to thank for their help in the start of who I am today and who I soon will become.
Our Lady of Lourdes’ Assistant Principal, Carey Jacobsen, said, “Xavier joined Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School as a 4th grader and is an excellent student and a leader among his peers. Most importantly, he is always willing to and looking for ways in which to improve and push himself academically and personally. He is an asset to our school community, and we cannot wait to see him grow further at Steward. Our Lady of Lourdes creates a culture where students own their learning and are empowered to think critically and problem-solve. We seek to create student leaders who will go forth to utilize these skills in high school and beyond. We are always proud of our students and their accomplishments after their Lourdes experience.”
Find out more about Lourdes’ how middle school program can help your child excel here. Read more on Xavier from The Steward School here.