why catholic education?: A group of third grade students, standing and praying before their snack

open hearts, active minds

“Catholic school exists for the human person, to help her reach her divine destiny; tapping into our humanity through education.”

~ Congregation for Catholic Education, The Vatican

At Lourdes, we serve our community as a school and parish inspired and guided by the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Our successful applicants have an affinity for diversity and seek to learn from and celebrate with others, care for others, and are loved for who they are.

Through intellectual rigor, Catholic school graduates in the long-term have higher critical thinking and analysis skills, thoughtful evaluation, and are more prepared for college than the average student. More importantly, they have a deeper faith and stronger moral base than students from other environments.

In the shorter term, students of Catholic schools score higher on achievement tests, tend to take more AP classes, and are more likely to be engaged in community service. Parents report trusting their Catholic schools more than other schools and that the teachers care more about their students. {Source: Quentin Wodon, World Bank}

The National Assessment of Educational Progress shows that Catholic School students are “academically exceptional” and outpace the education and knowledge of public school students. Of more importance, NAEP reports that a higher percentage of Catholic school students think positively about their education.

Research from Harvard, Georgetown, and Penn indicate that Catholic school students have higher levels of civic engagement and knowledge, and are more politically tolerant and supportive of civil liberties.

Catholic schools are not bound by state SOL standards, leaving the teachers freer to teach in a way that energizes and inspires students and not only meets but often exceeds the rigor mandated by the state.

Reasons to choose Catholic Education

Higher Graduation Rates

Catholic schools tend to have higher graduation rates than public schools. A study in 2018 found that catholic school students also had higher graduation rates from colleges.

Higher Academic Achievement

Catholic school students tend to outperform their public school peers academically. Test scores for students in both elementary and middle levels, high school ACT results, and even college GPAs are higher than their public school peers. Catholic school graduates also enjoy higher earning potential throughout their careers.

Low Student-to-Teacher Ratio

Students in Catholic schools typically enjoy a lower student-to-teacher ratio than their public school peers. The average student-teacher ratio for Catholic schools is 12-to-1.

Questions About A Catholic Education?

portrait of a Catholic school


Catholic schools proudly and intentionally serve the neediest and most ethnically diverse populations and are more tolerant of diverse views.


Catholic school graduates are more likely to vote.


Catholic school graduates are more committed to service as adults.

Information from the National Center for Education Statistics, Department of Education, 2022 – 2023; NCEA Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing, 2022 – 2023;

Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, 2022 – 2023.

TEstimonials for our school

The Savage and Funk families

It’s hard to believe that five years ago, our family started at Our Lady of Lourdes! We were quickly welcomed by parents, staff and faculty into this giving and dedicated community. It came to no surprise that our kids absolutely loved it. Soon, our youngest children would attend, as they hoped, after seeing their big brothers run the track, dress in uniform and play sports. Our boys not only go to school excited for what’s to come, but they come home happy and ready for the next day. It is difficult to put into words how grateful we are to watch our children grow in a place that wants them to develop and thrive; in a community that teaches and displays the discipleship qualities and traits; and in surroundings that feel like home. We look forward to a year filled with energy, excitement and of course good quality learning.

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