Affordable Private School is WIthin your Reach
An investment in your child's future
Rebecca Parks, parent of 3
This past year was truly their best year of school both academically and personally. While they all 3 had their own challenges I still reflect on how every challenge was met with high expectations for them whether it was socially, emotionally or academically. The challenges were met with the grace and support needed for them to meet the expectations. We are all so grateful for the love and support that they received this year.
Thank you for considering an Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School education! We stand firm in the belief that a Lourdes education will provide lasting value throughout your child’s life.
Different experiences and perspectives shape and define our dynamic learning environment. Our commitment to financial aid is rooted in the belief that a school community that welcomes a wide spectrum of families enhances the educational experience of all students.
We understand that sending your child to a private school is a significant investment for your family. We are grateful for your commitment to Lourdes, take your investment seriously, and strive to keep tuition rates affordable and fair for all families while providing the best educational experience.
We offer sibling discounts and need-based tuition assistance, and our Catholic students receive a grant that offsets a portion of their tuition.
Affordable private school
Our Lady of Lourdes is committed to making tuition as affordable as possible without sacrificing quality.
Lourdes offers limited, need-based financial aid in the form of tuition discounts. We ask you to prayerfully consider your family’s real ability to sacrifice for your child’s education and encourage parents who are concerned about being able to pay the full cost of tuition to apply for financial aid.
Many factors such as household income and expenses, assets and debt, and the number of children in a school that requires tuition are all considerations in determining tuition assistance awards. Renewal is not automatic or guaranteed as funds may vary and the family’s finances may change.
About 1/3 of our students receive tuition assistance. We work within the available resources to make the school accessible to as many students and families as possible. As a school, we seek to admit talented and motivated students, regardless of family resources. Inclusion is an essential element to our mission and culture.
All students must submit a financial aid application to be considered for grants. Completion requires the steps below.
Financial Assistance is Confidential
Approximate Financial Awards
- Family Income of $75,000: $1,000 aid award
- Family Income of $50,000: $3,000 aid award
- Family Income of $30,000: 50% of tuition
Tuition covers just 72% of the cost of education
We are grateful to those in our community who give generously and allow EVERY student to receive a phenomenal Lourdes education at a discount. Their support helps to make up the difference and allows us to offer an affordable private school option in RVA.
2025 - 2026 Annual Tuition and Fees
Junior Kindergarten +
1 child
2 children
3 children
4 children

Fees: Tuition includes a $450 fee per student for curriculum, supplies, technology, and PTO.
A separate non-refundable Enrollment fee is due Feb. 1 for returning families or at time of enrollment for new families.
An additional Graduation fee of $125 will be charged to each 8th grader.
Does not include: Uniforms, Field trips, Hot Lunch, Fundraisers, Spirit Wear, Enrichment Activities, Sports and Clubs, select middle school electives
+ Junior Kindergarten is not eligible for multi-child discount
Click here to view a printable tuition and fees sheet..
Get more information about our school and community. See how your child can thrive at Lourdes!
Begin the educational experience by applying online. We look forward to welcoming your student to Lourdes!
Step 3 - APPLY for AID
Applications are submitted to a confidential third-party vendor, FACTS, which conducts an independent evaluation. Be sure to submit all supporting documents.
Priority consideration is given to aid applications received before February 1.
A non-refundable enrollment fee is due when you sign and submit your enrollment contract.
Payment plans include Annual (1 payment in full in April prior to the school year), Semester (billed in April and October), Quarter (April, July, October, January), 10-month (April-January) and Monthly (April-March) options. All tuition payments are handled by the FACTS Tuition Management platform.
Lourdes already offers an affordable private school education thanks to our generous donors. Only families who feel that Lourdes tuition is beyond their reach should submit an application.
A new application must be submitted every year. Families can expect a similar percentage discount year over year, assuming their overall financial situation does not change. All families will incur annual tuition increases for inflation to support salary increases for our talented faculty and staff.
A family that does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year if they have experienced a significant change in their financial situation.
Both parents will need to complete a separate FACTS application. Parents will not be able to see each other’s information.
We understand and support that everyone should make the choices that are best for their own families. We also recognize that the decision to stay at home with children impacts family finances. For families with children under the age of five, FACTS makes recommendations based on actual family income. If you have children over age five, then the formula makes a modest assumption for possible income that’s unrealized. Of course, if there are special circumstances that require a parent not to work, then those should be listed on the form, and we will account for that in the decision.
Additional Tuition Assistance for Families
Virginia’s state-sponsored 529 plan is designed to help families make saving for education and other post-secondary programs a reality. Your 529 plan can also be used to pay for qualified private school K-12 tuition expenses.
A 529 is a tax-advantaged investment plan operated by a state to encourage saving for education expenses. As there is a risk when investing, please talk with a financial advisor.
The Flo Malek Scholarship Fund offers a one-time scholarship to two current Lourdes rising 5th-8th grade students who live as a disciple of Christ. The first place student will be awarded a $2,500 scholarship and the second place student will receive a $1,000 scholarship. The awards are applied toward the total tuition costs for the upcoming school year.
Flo Malek of Glen Allen was the Founder and Director of the Florettes Majorettes, a Richmond institution. She was a teacher, coach, dear friend, second mom, and an inspiration to countless young people during her leadership. She was a mainstay at all local parades, baton competitions, at America’s Youth on Parade held at the University of Notre Dame, and school performances of her students. Flo worked tirelessly to continue the sport of twirling by organizing the Virginia State Baton Championship with other board members. She was dearly loved by many and her legacy will continue to live on. As much as Flo loved twirling and her students, her family was by far the true sparkle in her life. She was married to her husband, Rick Malek, for 57 years and had two loving daughters, Lisa Cirillo and Lynette Musick, who are both graduates of Lourdes. Rick and Flo were also the legal guardians to Rick Their and Brenda Their Evans, who they raised and loved as their own children. Flo was an avid animal lover and adored their dog, Jackson, and her kitties, Mamma and Miss Muffet. Ms. Flo was a very giving lady with a kind heart who spent endless hours guiding her students who became family to her.
Our Lady of Lourdes School and the Financial Aid Committee understand that not all family circumstances can be conveyed in the aid application.