Representing a $4.2 million investment in the children and families of Henrico, Richmond, and the surrounding counties, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School in Henrico held a groundbreaking ceremony Friday, October 13 on a new wing of the school, which will include a full-sized gymnasium, state-of-the-art music and art classrooms, additional bathrooms, and added storage.

Deacon Steven Cottam offered an opening prayer, and Father Jonathan Goertz, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, blessed the ground and those who will work to build the new space. Dr. Carey Jacobsen, Principal, recognized the many people who have put in time and effort to get to this point. Huff-Morris Architects and Century Construction have been working together to design and plan for the new building, to be located at the rear of the school. Construction is expected to begin in late fall, and the new space will be ready for use in the fall of 2024.
As the sun set on Friday as well as the first 60 years of the school, hundreds of school families, alumni, parishioners, and neighbors celebrated this new chapter of life at Lourdes, which has been discussed and dreamed of for many years.
Our Lady of Lourdes School believes in positively impacting academic, family, and spiritual life, in combination with the values of courage, hope, respect, integrity, service, and thankfulness. At a time when many schools have cut funding for sports and the arts and politicians have made education a battleground, Lourdes has set a goal of making a well-rounded, high-quality, Catholic education available to anyone interested.
Lourdes is a growing school and parish of 350 students and 1,800 registered families representing 38 zip codes throughout the Richmond area.
“Upon this rock I will build my church.” (Matthew 16:18).
We invite you to make a difference to the Lakeside community by investing in this project: For additional information on Lourdes, find us on Facebook and Instagram.