Regulated by the Virginia Department of Education, Our Before and After School Care Program (BASIC) is open to all enrolled students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. Morning care begins as early as 7am and has no additional charge for participants.
Our program provides a healthy snack each day, time for fun, and a structured homework period with peer support. We have a large playground, soccer field, blacktop with basketball hoops, and an exercise and nature trail for the students to run and play through after their school day.
On days when the weather doesn’t allow for outdoor play, we have a wide range of games, puzzles, and toys to engage the children. Care is provided on early release days at no additional charge for regular attendees.
After school care ends at 6pm. BASIC rates may be found on our tuition page.


1-2 days/week:
1 child
2 children
3 children
3 days/week:
1 child
2 children
3 children
4-5 days/week:
1 child
2 children
3 children
Before and After School Care rates are billed at the beginning of the school year. One-time, monthly, or weekly payments are allowed.
Daily drop-in rate: $50/family
Click here to view a printable tuition and fees sheet.