OUr Lourdes Family includes you!
One of the things that continues to define and distinguish Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is the sense of community exhibited by all those connected to our school. Statistics prove that a student’s success is positively impacted upon by the modeling of his/her parents’ involvement in the activities of the school community.
We ask all families to volunteer ten hours per year to support the school through our Family Involvement program. Numerous opportunities are available to help during the school day, in the evening, and on weekends- from being a mystery reader in the classroom to washing art smocks to running an event- there are many ways that you can help!
All adult volunteers within the school MUST have attended a VIRTUS session. This class is a one time, three-hour presentation on “Protecting God’s Children.” Go online to www.virtus.org to register for an upcoming session.
VOlunteer Boards
Parent-Teacher Organization
The primary function of the PTO is to support and promote quality Catholic education, encourage Catholic standards of family life, share with teachers the values that parents are attempting to develop with their children at home, and provide a means by which parents may raise funds to help benefit the school.
Each family joins the PTO through their fees and supply payment at the start of the year. Everyone is invited to actively participate in the open quarterly meetings. These meetings will be posted on the school calendar and announced in the newsletter. If you would like to contact a member of the PTO Board, click the button below to send an e-mail .

School Advisory Board
The School Board works collaboratively to advise the administrator and pastor of the school, recommend policy, and assist with the implementation of agreed-upon goals in accord with Diocesan policies, regional and state accreditation standards, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. They support the school in effectively educating students in a Christian environment and nurturing a deep personal commitment to Jesus Christ and the Church. Where needed, the board assists the administrator and pastor to meet goals in these areas with a vision toward continuous growth and improvement.
Finance Advisory Board
The Finance Advisory Board assists in developing and reviewing the budget, reviews the financial status of the school throughout the year, and develops and reviews policy for school-based financial aid. They coordinate funding with the Parent Organization, oversee investments and the endowment, and conduct an annual review of policies, statements, and records.
The Board Chairperson of the Finance Committee serves on the school advisory board.