I wanted to take a quick moment to thank all of you for what I consider one of the most rewarding years I have ever had as a Catholic school administrator.  Despite all the challenges of this year words can not express my deep admiration for the “can do” and “positive” attitude of the Lourdes parent community.  Despite all of the road blocks that were put in our way you worked with the teachers and staff to make this year happen.  More importantly, you encouraged, supported, and loved your children during the course of this school year.  I especially enjoyed getting to know many of the children and watching them mature and grow from August to June. It has been a blessing for me to work with Dr. Jacobsen this year.  There is no doubt in my mind that she is the right person to lead Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School next year and into the future.  Lourdes is a special place and it is has been a privilege and honor for me to serve as principal this past year.

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