Students who love learning
Private elementary school at Lourdes maintains high expectations on all grade levels while recognizing individual differences and learning styles. An advanced curriculum is offered while providing differentiated instruction with flexible ability grouping.
Students are encouraged and motivated to share and apply what they have learned. This is accomplished through cooperative learning groups, peer tutoring, integrated units of study, and use of media and technology education.
Our capacity for each classroom at the elementary level is kept to a low 20-23 students.

Private Elementary School: What to expect
A variety of strategies and projects are used to teach academic subjects. These include analyzing, writing, memorizing, performing, summarizing, sequencing, interpreting, and critical thinking. Special activities include creating stories, poems, book reports, essays, recitations, dramatizations, and dioramas.
In language arts, students progress from basic writing skills to full expression, from the ability to read to a love of reading. They receive continuing instruction in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation and are also exposed to increasingly challenging literature in a full range of writing styles, topics, and cultures.
In math, students develop number sense beginning with an emphasis on basic math facts. Manipulatives are used in mathematics to facilitate concept development and logistical reasoning and to apply mathematics to problem-solving. Grade by grade, students’ knowledge and skills become more sophisticated.
Of course, since we are a Catholic school, students will experience our faith through the lens of a variety of topics. Our entire school attends Mass together once a week.
Our 4th and 5th grade students are taught by both grade level teachers – one who specializes in language arts and social studies and one expert in math and science – to prepare them for the diversity of teachers that they will meet in middle school.
Click here to view specifics on our curriculum.
Elementary students receive resource instruction each week in PE, Technology, Music, Library, Art, and, beginning in 2nd grade, Spanish. They also may visit our leveled reading room each week to choose reading material on their specific reading level. Religion class is taught daily, and all students attend Mass each Thursday with a different class preparing and leading every other week.
We believe recess provides an opportunity for elementary school students to exercise, interact socially with friends, and clear their heads. Recess is an extended break that prepares the student for more study in the completion of their academic day. Recess normally occurs around midday with the student’s teachers.
Field Trips
When possible, teachers arrange for field trips and excursions which enhance the curriculum. These are usually taken during school hours and provide more context than the classroom alone. The outings are planned educational activities designed for students in their particular grade level. These are exciting events that help keep education exciting and fun for all students.
Homework is an important part of student development and is assigned on a regular basis at an age-appropriate level. The assigned work may be written, studied, or researched and is to reinforce the skills developed during the day. Teachers will coordinate the completion dates of long-term projects.
Parents of elementary school students receive report cards at the end of each quarter. Grades K-2 use the numbers 1 (not demonstrating skill), 2, and 3 (consistently meeting expectations) to indicate a student’s level at each particular skill. Grades 3-5 use letter grades for academic subjects, which can make them eligible for the school honor roll. In addition, report cards include indicators for effort and skill assessment.
We do not participate in SOL testing. Our students in Grades 2-8 are assessed through the NWEA MAP Growth program in fall, winter, and spring. This Math and Reading assessment provides the teachers and parents the feedback necessary to see proper progression throughout their school years.
5th graders will also take the ACRE (Assessment of Children/Youth Religious Education) test in early spring.
We have a wealth of support for students who need extra attention in certain subjects as well as enrichment for students who desire more challenging material. Click here to learn more.